All about the Joint PhD Program
Also popularly known as split-PhDs, it is a single PhD program done at two universities or institutions at a time on the same topic. Students must meet the requirements of both the universities to obtain admissions leading to either two PhD degrees or single. Often one or more universities collaborate to conduct academic and research programs and are supervised and guided by faculty from both the universities. The study or the research will be conducted on the ongoing research collaboration between the universities or third party research groups. There are three types of joint-PhD programs which are defined on the basis of amount of work that needs to be done. The first one is the Pre-defined project which is done by the two universities jointly. The second one is the established schemes by high-level universities or institutions. The third one is normal joint PhD from two universities which do not have a formal agreement. Joint PhDs are being conducted by universities to strengthen and broaden their research collaboration and are not easy for all students as Joint PhDs are specialized studies. Students should study how a joint-PhD can add to their strength or research. The students must keep moving from one place to other, discuss the ideas and work with both the supervisors and also mediate between them. Although students will have access to libraries and both university campuses, it is not always easy to secure funding for a Joint PhD. But students can get closer the best researchers, discuss and work with them through Joint PhDs. Students have to look out for matching supervisors relevant to your field of study and interest. Students must also take care to follow the language in which the thesis needs to submitted and in which format to be documented. If they lack skills to properly format their thesis, they can also take help from experts for formatting thesis. All together Joint PhDs are quite rigorous and require a lot more work than normal...
read moreNeed for Second PhD
In today’s age of growing competition, having specialization in only one academic domain may not cater to the need of exploring dimensions of any academic discipline. In order to do so, an interdisciplinary knowledge is absolutely essential, and that is where need of going for a second PhD degree comes into picture. Having a second PhD degree can help academicians in building up their careers as consultants, as well. There are several organizations, which assist academicians, who are going for a second PhD degree, in several ways. For more information about importance of having a second PhD, kindly go through the pages of...
read moreA Passion for Research
There are many reasons why scholars undertake some arduous research project. One of the main reasons is passion. Research projects take a great deal of time. They often do not get completed till many years have passed. That is why it is essential that scholars select a subject in which their passion for knowledge will not waver. If researchers were to undertake a project for the sake of money or position, they will give up on the project long before they achieve either one. Passion alone can sustain a man or a woman through the rocky road that is academic...
read moreAssured success, always with you!
As the name suggests, Double PhD is a portal created especially for scholars who are pursuing a double PhD. While we look up to all these great education stalwarts, we understand how tough it can be to complete their PhD thesis in a limited amount of time. The pressure is double while the time is half. This only adds to each student’s stress levels and shifts their focus from perfection to compromise on quality. We are a team of experienced academic writers who work tirelessly to ensure your thesis is a work of art, with no stone unturned to make it perfect. We assure you a fast turn-around time and a money-back guarantee because we know we are capable of giving you only the best. Get in touch for a quick consultation and get started...
read moreDual assistance for Double PhD
It becomes necessary for you to hire the services of a professional dissertation editing service, especially if you are a PhD student. It is a must for every MBA or PhD student to submit their dissertation or thesis so that they are able to get their degree. Every institution has its own set of rules and guidelines for accepting dissertations from the students otherwise it will be rejected. Here are some reasons as to why you should hire a dissertation writing service provider: As a student you will get time to do other tasks: It is a fact that the editing part of your thesis takes time.Most of the students feel that they are done after writing their thesis and remain careless about editing it. Rather this lack sided attitude of yours if taken care of will help in improving the quality of the content for readers You will get the opportunity to work with a professional editor: These dissertation editing services have experts who are familiar with mistakes which have been commonly made by the students during such assignments. It will be possible for you to learn what they are and how you can avoid them. In this way your thesis gets a polished look you can feel good about. These services can be availed for educating students of all levels: Irrespective of what type of institution you are in many editors are providing their services to many students. It therefore becomes an added advantage to those students who move up to a new education level. So, these are some of the reasons for taking the help of a dissertation editing service so that you can complete your double PhD....
read moreSkills you require for your PhD Degree
You have completed your undergraduate program and now you are thinking for getting a PhD. This is rather a good option. However, as a PhD degree holder you do require some of the basic skills apart from getting an admission into a university. If you have already completed one PhD and now you are thinking of doing a double PhD, apart from learning from your first PhD submission there are basic soft skills you need to possess. Students, who have already written one PhD thesis, might have these soft skills; however, it is important to maintain the same or may be this time with more intensity for your double PhD degree. Initiative – This is very basic and important step. Only if you show interest and take the initiative for pursuing a PhD degree, only then advisors, committee and others will assist you through the process. Even if this is your second PhD degree then you will have to show that initiative to conduct the second PhD degree. Patience – Your thesis might take 2 years to get completed or may even last for as long as five years. You need to be mentally prepared for the same and have patience to complete your PhD degree. There is more probability of students losing their patience when they are acquiring second PhD degree. Well Organized – Be well organized in all the aspects of your life. Learn to prioritize your task as the most important, important and less important. Even when you start your thesis do the most important task first followed by lesser. In order to complete timely thesis, make sure you follow a time line. Make your own calendar. Dedicate more time for the tasks which you think will take more time. Communication – In the entire process, you will have to meet various kinds of people and you will use various means of communication. You have to make sure you communicate well with people and bring across your point to them in a simple and straight forward way. Adaption – In your entire process of writing your thesis, you will face many challenges. You need to adapt yourself with them and learn to overcome them. You need to be independent decision maker. Your advisors and committee will surely guide you, but you will be the one who will take your decision. Strong will power from Within – Lastly, you will need to have a strong will power to face all mental and physical strains as along with writing your thesis, you will also have other personal and professional matters to look...
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